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Help Us to Grow and Support More Families in our Community

Frome Baby Connections relies entirely on donations and grant funding; we receive no government or NHS funding to run our services. We are passionate about keeping our weekly group free for all parents but if you can afford to make a donation then it makes a huge difference to our community. We also have dreams of expanding our services and running more events for families and we need your support to makes those dreams a reality!

Suggested Donations:

£5 will help us pay our weekly running costs, such as providing free tea, coffee and biscuits.

£10 will pay for a one to one consultation with our qualified Breastfeeding Counsellor.

£20 will pay for a one to one consultation and allow us to provide a free consultation to a family on low income.

£50 will allow our group to grow by paying for advertising, room hire, running costs and staff wages.

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